Monday, December 5, 2011

Oddly, This Works

Marquette, as an institution, isn't really known for great advertisement. But I think the new approach to get students to fill out their course evaluation forms is great.
I have never, in seven semesters, filled out a course evaluation form. They always come at a bad time, and frankly, I saw no reason to. I figure other kids will, so my opinion probably isn't necessary. Marquette has managed to get around the big obstacle of apathy with this clever campaign. You'll see these posters, and many like them, all over campus. They each have a clever catchphrase and are positioned near exits and entrances, with their simple design and big block of color, they draw the eye pretty well, just like these did as I walked out of Olin Hall.

I have to hand it to 'em. These may not quite surpass my apathetic view on class evals, but hey. I might fill them out. If I have time.

Maybe Its Just Me

The galloping of hooves racing through a coastal backdrop. And astride majestic, thundering steeds...

Yeah. Watch this.

Maybe its just me, but when the apple says "We Riiidee!" I lose it. Every single time. My roomie has the same reaction. In fact, in my apartment, much of the spot's dialogue has become common one-liners. When I put my sunglasses on as I walk out the door, my roomie will remark, in a deep voice, "Wear them well." And I don't think its just us.

Fruit Of The Loom makes underwear. I actually prefer Hanes (they debuted the "tagless" tee a while back) but after seeing this, I'm probably going to buy at least a three-pack of these new Fruit of The Looms.
I think that's where FotL wanted this ad to go. Guys are goofy, and we don't really care if our underwear is sexy, especially our undershirts, so they can't use sex appeal the same way Victoria's Secret does. FotL decided to use humor to debut their new cut of tee, and as far as I'm concerned, it works.